One-Click Translate Page Firefox Add-On

New add-on released, awaiting review from Mozilla. Please leave bug reports in the comments. I made this AddOn as a big shortcut to my usual way of translating a whole webpage with google translate, by simply clicking a button once. I found myself quite repetitively clicking on to the URL bar copying a webpage’s address…

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I have left Hostgator :-(

They were a pretty good and cheap hosting provider in the beginning. Lots of tools set up and ready to go like ssh, git, and wp-cli. But I am just too poor, and can not keep up with their rising charges. They offered me 20% off on my next bill if I stayed, but it…

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Dodgy Website Visitors

I am seeing an unusually large number of hits on two of my websites from Russian Federation & the Ukraine this month. One specific IP in the Ukraine hit site over 1,200 times in one day, some lad called Igor. I CAN SEE YOU! There’s nothing for you here anyway, and nothing of interest…

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JavaScript 101

I have been learning proper, plain old JavaScript. Warts and all. Here is my first program of a simple calculator: ( Oh, I have been dabbling with Bootstrap as well for the visuals. More to follow…

Google Updates Search Algorithm / SEO Rules

OK, so it was supposed to happen on 21st April 2015 and now it appears it is occurring. Google has made a major update to it’s search algorithm. The new changes were purported to be that “google is shifting the way it pageranks sites. The new search algorithm will move away from a backlinks based…

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