How to download TV and movies without torrents

For downloading from sites like rapidshare, youtube, megashare, megaupload, hotfile, etc. etc. all those sites which are great but a pain to download from because of reminders about pay version, timers until your link is ready, and catcha images. jdownloader takes care of all of these annoyances, and has a whole host of other features…

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Fitness Motivation

don’t really like six-packs on women, but if she was my fitness intructor i would never miss a session. her routine is pretty hardcore! the muscles on her and even she is totally fucked. i started my get fitter routine today by switching to rollies =)

Israeli Products

barcodes beginning with 729 are issued in israel. tesco, M&S, dunnes stores all sell israeli fruit, veg, and herbs. produce marked WEST BANK come from israeli factories built on bulldozed homes, but are usually just marked produce of israel also. a british link, there are probably better sources out there for israeli goods sold…

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i need to blog :-(

right, it appears i’m one of these saddos that just can’t keep their yappin fingers shut. random blurts on facebook don’t seem t do it for me. i need t read over de faggotry i’ve been spurting, and shit seems t disappear into de murk on facebook without a proper history. why? i dunno why,…

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