Negative Posts

OK, just having a quick perusal here and I seem to have degenerated drastically toward the negative in my last few posts. Just in the process of moving over to ( today, here’s looking towards fresh, bright, spritely, and most of all *positive* posts in this new start ;-)
I am currently learning what it is like to be a user, with the idea that it will make me a better website developer in installations. Next hosting will probably be a self-hosted or something similar.

2 thoughts on “Negative Posts

  1. OK, so the default does not allow you to edit the CSS, only browse through free themes with lots of nags about paying money if you want more than the very limited customization available for free. It occurs to me that that is why I chose in the first place!! Oh dear memory how withered &amp; frazzled you are :(<br /><br />…My work here is done, roll on the

  2. the move is nearing completion! if you are reading this, you are on the new website :-)

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