Posted on by mcmonkeys1
I opened up an FTP server recently on my home PC. Being security conscious I used implicit FTPS and daily logging. Day one of opening the port I have an attempted log on from an IP address originating in China No other unknown logins/attempts. Harro harro! What you want china? I wonder if this…
O joy of joys! In the last 10.5 months I’ve had to suffer with a data connection ranging from 40k thru my nokia phone with bad drivers, to ADSL on a 2Mb connection that at best connected at 1800kbps and was completely intermittant.But finally I’m back with UPC!!! check it: Prepare urself UPC, acceptable usage…
the great mcmonkeys1 is now working tech support for an ISP. i came accross a customer with an interesting ADSL modem. this customer’s telephone line is really shit, he’s in dire need of an engineer to fix his cabling to the house. the fault is pretty bad, there is alien current / voltage on this…
peat’s of parnell street has shutdown. fuck it. long live,,, and i guess.
I saw Martin Scorcese’s Hugo in 3D in the cinema last night. Everytime I go to the cinema in the last while I’m dissapointed by the small screens, often lack of surround sound, and appalling shutter speeds. The 3D was good, and the movie was not too gimmicky about it, but did use it. BUT!…