CSS @media Queries With Orientation Example

Like the title says. For your reference, an example set of media queries conforming to Bootstrap 3’s width breakpoints. Here is the example. EXAMPLE CODE HERE. Check the code, and play with the width and height of your viewport to see where the queries reach. Notes On The Example This example is mobile first like your…

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Javascript Static Variable / Closure

Still having fun with this mad JS stuff! var alt = (function(){     var hide = false;     return function() { return (hide = !hide); } })(); All you have is functions, but they are made so powerful! “var hide” is an example of an equivalent of a static type variable in C/C++/Java/etc., but it is…

Read more Javascript Static Variable / Closure

Right-Click Translate FireFox Add-On

I started dabbling with FireFox add-ons yesterday. Pretty quickly I had published my first simple add-on. This post will be my documentation. The premise is simple, I wanted to be able to highlight text then right-click and have a new Google Translate tab open with the text translated. I often highlight text, right-click then type…

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WP-CLI not working on namecheap.com [SOLVED]

So when I tried to run WP-CLI on namecheap.com with php wp-cli.phar –info absolutely nothing happened. It just went to the next line in the terminal, no hints nothing. Background Some background, I bought some incredibly cheap webhosting from namecheap.com today. Real cheap! Like €8 for the first year. You can bring along your own…

Read more WP-CLI not working on namecheap.com [SOLVED]

Collaborating on WordPress Site Development

Just how does a team of 2+ people go about collaborating on WordPress site development? That’s something I’ve been fooling around with over the last while now. Having used Git and SVN for programming work, it seemed like a no brainer that this was probably the way to go. SVN has fallen out of favour…

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