Stanton Final Scratch 2

have had the stanton box, timecode records, and a zillion leads sitting in it’s box for nearly 3 years. just got the correct firewire lead for it, *and* ditched trying to get the software that came with it to work. i don’t like using illegal software, but in this case it was actually the only…

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Ubuntu 10 (Lucid Lynx) Linux Post-Install Set Up Tips

1) don’t use 64-bit unless you have more than 3.5 GB of RAM installed. more trouble than it’sworth. 2) to change minimize, maximize, close window buttons from left side to right side of top of window: run gconf-editor and go to /apps/metacity/general/button_layoutchange from “close,minimize:” to “menu:minimize,maximize,close” 3) get the win key working: run gconf-editor and…

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Who are these ppl?

A list of the visitors to this site by country for the last few months. Some weird ass locations.Lithuania? Philippines? I can barely spell those countries.

New World Order -OK Maybe?

i’m beginning to think the unthinkable. that maybe we need a single world government to regain control of the world economy. individual state governments have lost/are losing control like they used to have before the globalisation of businesses. raising and lowering interest rates at a national level have a much subtler affect than they used…

Read more New World Order -OK Maybe?

How many nukes are within striking range? will give ya an idea. I reckon having all the world’s submarine missiles within striking range for any global target is a little off though.