Predator Ultimate Hunter Edition

Nice 2010 50GB blu-ray remaster of the original 1987 arnie classic film. Not to be confused with the 2008 blu-ray version which was the mpeg2s from the DVD upscaled. Available for sale and download now from the usual outlets, e.g. Soft-copy Hard-copy My new wallpaper:! shrank my hi-res caps!

All-in-one RAID0 SSD Drive on PCI-Express

120GB OCZ RevoDrive PCI-Express SSD Solid State Disk (read 540MB/sec – write 480MB/sec) for €327! Almost affordable, and you get 2 quality SSDs with built in hardware RAID0 communicating over 1GB/s PCIe x4 bus. My current set up feels fast (~150MB/s read/write 2x 7200rpm 64MB cache spinny drives, fake/soft-nvraid) and cost just over half that…

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Iomega Home Media Network Hard Drive Review

I’ve owned a 1TB Iomega Home Media Network Hard Drive (hmnhd for short) for about a year now. It’s damned handy for sharing media files between my computers (and housemates). In fact, if it was feasible, i would use a network hard drive for all my data across machines and OSes. There are however drawbacks.…

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